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Agriculture and Food Security

Nigeria agriculture
Improving the yields of crops like rice improves incomes and health


USAID’s agriculture and food security program helps increase agricultural productivity, expand market participation, increase resilience of vulnerable households, improve business enabling environment and increase access to finance.  Since 2012, the U.S Government's Feed the Future Initiative has helped 3.6 million farmers gain access to new tools or technologies.  We help create an environment for agricultural growth and business development by building the skills and ability of policy analysts to advocate for improved trade and transportation infrastructure. We also promote laws and regulations to improve dissemination of agricultural technologies by the private sector

Our focus is on rice, aquaculture, maize, cowpea and soy production linking farmers to specialized markets, which increases overall competitiveness, incomes, and employment in the agricultural sector. These activities reduce poverty by increasing incomes, improving nutrition, and building household resilience to external shocks.


It is a vital source of protein and Nigeria needs more of it. See how one USAID project is improving the country's food security by getting more and more people to grow fish.