Survey of the Afghan People


The Asia Foundation (TAF), with USAID’s support, conducts annual surveys of the Afghan people to measure popular perception of development, security, governance, rule of law, freedom of speech, economic growth, and other important topics.  TAF conducted the first survey in 2004, and will administer annual surveys through 2015.  Polling reaches all 34 provinces.  The polling data has become a respected source of information on public attitudes, which is used by policy makers, civil society organizations, donors, and journalists to gain a better perspective of Afghan views on current social, economic, and political issues.


  • Nationwide Public Opinion Survey: Conduct annual surveys using a progressively refined methodology that covers all provinces in the country and includes a sample size of approximately 6,000 respondents.
  • Capacity-Building for Afghan Researchers: Strengthen the capacity of local Afghan research entities, such as the Afghan Center for Socio-Economic and Opinion Research, and train at least 150 male and female researchers in the use of sound survey methodologies and tools.
  • Dissemination of Survey Findings: To disseminate survey findings, conduct roundtable discussions, media campaigns, and publish 1500 copies of the final report in English, 750 copies in Dari, and 750 in Pashto.


  • Increased the number of publications from 2,000 per year to 3,000 per year, as of 2012.
  • Published 1,000 copies of a companion volume in 2010 providing analysis and commentary on the findings.
  • Successfully trained 12 students per year in primary research techniques.
  • Provided training in advanced research, printing, publishing and designing trainings for researchers working for local partners.
  • Conducted workshops to discuss research and statistical methodologies, as well as large-scale public opinion polling techniques.
  • Conducted roundtable discussions in Kabul and major provincial centers each year to disseminate results.
  • Conducted annual media campaigns to disseminate results.