Fact Sheets

Due to projections of above-average June-to-September kiremt rainfall and flooding, USAID and relief actors are assessing potential hydrometeorological hazards and response efforts, such as the pre-positioning of emergency relief items and dissemination of early warning and preparedness messaging in the coming months.

Over the past eight years, President Obama has elevated sustainable development to a core pillar of American foreign policy.  On Wednesday July 20th, the President will host the White House Summit on Global Development, bringing together development leaders, public and private sector financing partners, civil society, diplomats, and entrepreneurs to mark our global progress and catalyze further development efforts.

U.S. Secretary of State John F. Kerry announces nearly $439 million in new U.S. Government (USG) humanitarian funding for Syria and neighboring countries. United Nations (UN) convoys reach all 18 UN-designated besieged areas in Syria with emergency relief assistance. Syrian Democratic Forces offensive to retake Menbij town in Aleppo Governorate from ISIL displaces an estimated 47,000 people.

The U.S.-Pakistan Partnership for Agricultural Market Development is improving the ability of Pakistan's agriculture and livestock sectors to meet both international and domestic demand in targeted product lines. 

The USAID funded Pakistan Regional Economic Integration Activity (PREIA) is a five year (September 1, 2015 - August 31, 2020), USD 14.4 million project that aims to further the development of Pakistan's trade sector. 

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-implemented Pakistan Agriculture Programs are helping USAID reach its goal of improving the economic lives of focus populations by improving the economic performance of farm businesses in Pakistan. 

The Gomal Zam Dam Command Area Development Project (GZD-CADP) is part of the Gomal Zam Dam and Irrigation System. 

Through an inter-agency agreement with USAID, the U.S. Department of Commerce provides legal and regulatory technical assistance to Pakistan 's public and private sectors.

The USAID-funded Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) predicts that harvests from the February-to-June belg rainy season will be moderately below average due to the delayed start of the season and excessive rainfall and flooding in some areas. Belg assessment results, expected in the coming weeks, will provide more clarity on harvest yields, drought and flood impacts, and humanitarian needs.

 على مدى العقود الأربعة الماضية، تعاون الشعب الأمريكي من خلال الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية (USAID) مع شعوب الشرق الأوسط.  لمساعدة الشباب والشابات على اكتساب مهارات قابلة للتسويق لتطبيقها في وظائف في مجالات التكنولوجيا، والأعمال التجارية، والرعاية الصحية، والزراعة، والتعليم.
