Gomal Zam Command Area

The Gomal Zam Dam Command Area Development Project (GZD-CADP) is part of the Gomal Zam Dam and Irrigation System.  The command area, located in the districts of D. I. Khan and Tank, includes 69 villages in the three Tehsils (Tank, D. I. Khan and Kulachi). The total cultivable command area is over 191,000 acres, including 94,050 acres in Tank, 87,235 acres in Kulachi and 9,776 acres in D. I. Khan.  The development of the command area is planned under an approved PC-1 from the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (GoKP) and the federal government. USAID and the GoKP signed the Activity Agreement on March 18, 2015.  The project will be completed in late 2017.  


The Gomal Zam Dam Command Area Development Project seeks to ensure that the water available for 191,000 acres in the command area is used efficiently through the integrated development of the command area, farm water management, productivity enhancement, value addition, processing, and effective marketing.  The project will build the physical system and train operators for the modern farming irrigation system.  An estimated 30,000 families, or approximately 195,000 people, will directly benefit from development of the command area. 


  • Prepare a master plan for Gomal Zam Command Area development.
  • Prepare detailed design and cost estimates for the development of the area.
  • Form 393 water user associations in the region.
  • Construct 393 watercourses.
  • Construct earthen roads.
  • Strengthen processing units.
  • Strengthen marketing linkages for farmers from the area.