Start date:  September 2012
End date:  September 2014  
Project budget: $1,500,000  
Implementer:  Milieukontakt Macedonia


Strengthen civil society and raise awareness, boost activism, and bolster local resilience to global climate change.


  • Green Agenda – Engage stakeholders in a participatory process designed to develop consensus-based strategies and action plans to address adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its effects.
  • Pilot Projects/Urgent Actions – Plan and implement pilot projects and urgent actions that enhance stakeholders’ adaptation to and mitigation of the effects of climate change while incentivizing their participation.
  • Capacity Building – Provide participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to increase their resilience to climate change and to strengthen their ability to engage in civic advocacy.

Expected Results/Impact

  • Four to eight municipal climate change strategies and action plans will be produced and implemented.
  • Public awareness of climate change will be raised.
  • Measures to mitigate the effects of climate change will be undertaken.
  • Measures to adapt to the effects of climate change will be undertaken.
  • Participants’ ability and willingness to engage in civic activism and advocacy will be increased.
  • Civil society organizations, citizens, municipalities and the private sector will cooperate and collaborate more.

Contact Information

Contact at USAID:  Jennifer Connolly, AOR,
Chief of Party:  Igor Slavkoski,
Information Officer:  Darko Leshoski,