Gender-based Violence Treatment Protocol

  • Duration: 
    July 2015 - June 2020
  • Value: $6,025,584 (USAID’s contribution is $4,919,380)


Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is not only a human rights violation but also a serious public health problem with physical, mental, and sexual and reproductive health consequences. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Afghan Ministry of Public Health have developed a treatment protocol to help health workers provide better quality care to GBV survivors and to strengthen the overall health sector response toward victims.

USAID’s Gender-Based Violence Treatment Protocol project provides healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver high-quality and compassionate care to GBV survivors while strengthening the public health system.


  • Capacity assessment: Conduct a health facility assessment to determine what is needed to support healthcare providers to identify, treat, document, and refer GBV cases.
  • Training: Build capacity of about 6,500 healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, health managers, and midwives) to implement the GBV Protocol in 34 provinces; provide on-the-job training, mentoring, and support to healthcare professionals on GBV case management.
  • Raising awareness: Develop and distribute information, education, and communication materials for healthcare providers and communities to inform and educate on GBV and health needs of GBV survivors.
  • Health systems strengthening: Strengthen the health systems to offer GBV care by providing necessary supplies and equipment for health facilities, developing operational policies and checklists, and establishing administrative and monitoring systems.
  • Institutionalization: Make the GBV Protocol a key part of the Afghan medical, nursing, and midwifery school curricula as well as of other multi-sectorial GBV training packages.


  • Improved quality of care for GBV survivors in health facilities across Afghanistan.
  • Integrated care for GBV survivors in different levels of the healthcare system in Afghanistan.
  • Trained healthcare providers in 34 provinces on the GBV Treatment Protocol.
  • Equipped health facilities better able to provide quality care to GBV survivors.
  • Strengthened health facility policies and monitoring systems.
  • GBV Treatment Protocol integrated and institutionalized into various health and multi-sectorial training packages and curricula.
  • Increased access and use of health services by GBV survivors.