Engineering Quality Assurance and Logistical Support (EQUALS)


The EQUALS Program provides a full range of long-term and quick-response architect and engineering services, quality assurance services, and other logistical and technical support to help ensure that USAID’s infrastructure development projects in Afghanistan are sound and built according to established engineering standards.  The program addresses Afghanistan’s critical infrastructure needs, helping to promote economic growth and political stability.  EQUALS assistance focuses on the areas of: energy, transportation, vertical structures, and water and sanitation sectors. 


  • Quality Assurance (QA): Monitor construction projects implemented by other contractors and grantees through site visits by qualified engineers.  Monitoring includes visual inspection of work at the site, as well as inspection of the implementing partners’ testing facilities, procedures, and results to ensure compliance with approved designs, technical standards, and contract schedules.
  • Engineering Support: Conduct site identification, review tender documents, bills of quantities, and designs.
  • Technical Assistance: Embed technical experts within ministries to help establish and implement sound policies. 
  • Capacity Building: Strengthen the capacity of key ministries by training and working with government employees to transfer technology.  Collaborate with local universities to implement an internship program designed to develop a cadre of trained workers.
  • Information Management: Manage and maintain a geospatial infrastructure database that provides vital project information and tracks security incidents to assist donors in effective planning and monitoring of infrastructure projects.
  • Logistical Support: Provide security, transportation, conference and training assistance, and office facilities, as requested by USAID, to further infrastructure development objectives.


  • Since EQUALS started in 2011, it has provided Quality Assurance services in the: construction or rehabilitation of over 3,000 wells, 126 renewable energy systems, four radio towers, and two completed buildings; and the operation and maintenance of over 1,700 kilometers of roads.
  • Government staff trained under EQUALS now operate infrastructure data centers in five ministries, enabling the ministries to track their infrastructure assets.
  • Trained 15 project managers on dam design and project management and provided 9 engineering students with on-the-job training on Quality Assurance monitoring.