Afghanistan Technical Vocational Institute (ATVI)


  • Implementation period: June 2013 – June 2015
  • Project budget: $1 million

USAID Afghan Technical Vocational Institute (ATVI) project aims to provide professional technical vocational education and training (TVET) to qualified Afghan youth and adults. Students are trained in high-demand fields, including: Business Management, Construction, Horticulture, Information and Communication Technology, and Automotive Repair.

ATVI was established in Kabul in February 2006, as a private, non-profit, post-secondary educational institution that provides students with knowledge and skills to make them qualified employees for local businesses. This supports USAID’s long term goals of supporting the economy and particularly small businesses, increasing the employability of Afghan youth and developing a competitive Afghan workforce.


  • Curriculum: Update ATVI technical and vocational education and training (TVET) syllabi and other teaching materials to ensure relevance with Afghanistan’s workforce needs.
  • Teacher Training: Train technical education teachers to deliver trainings and student assessments.
  • Student Training: Train Afghan youth in close cooperation with the private sector.  These programs include internships, industry immersion programs, and career counseling.
  • Capacity Building: Seek out and incorporate advice from the private sector and industry leaders on design and delivery of TVET programs.


  • From June 2013-December 2014, 1,052 students graduated from programs in Business Management, Construction, Horticulture, Information and Communications Technology, and Automotive Repair.
  • From June 2013-December 2014, 35 teachers were trained to implement an updated TVET curriculum.
  • Partnerships established with private sector organizations including the Afghanistan Builders Association (ABA), the State Business Consulting Group, the Bremen Overseas Research and Development Organization (BORDA); the Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce, and other industries to train students on decentralized waste water treatment systems.