Strengthening Politial Parties, Electoral and Legislative Processes Project

Nepal’s Constituent Assembly (CA) dissolved on May 27, 2012 after it failed to promulgate a constitution despite multiple deadline extensions, consequently continuing the country’s political vacuum. The second CA election was held on November 19, 2014 and there is broad national consensus on the need to propel the peace process forward, particularly with respect to local elections, enacting a constitution, and state restructuring. However, there is a paralyzing lack of compromise by political parties on the details of the process forward. The political process is crucial to the unfolding of these steps forward. Effective political compromise and public participation will be critical in determining the legitimacy of the new constitution and the future of the country’s political stability.


The Strengthening Political Parties, Electoral and Legislative Processes (SPPELP) project is a five-year, $26.5 million effort that supports political parties, electoral institutions, legislative processes, and civil society organizations to promote a more stable and peaceful democracy in Nepal. The project is designed to restore public confidence in democratic processes and institutions and to promote greater political participation, especially that of marginalized populations.

Read More: Strengthening Political Parties, Electoral and Legislative Processes Project Factsheet