Standing on the border of Namibia and Angola, on one side, signs in English welcome you to Namibia. On the other, signs in Portuguese issue warm greetings to Angola. People, animals, motorcycles and vehicles freely pass back and forth across the two countries.

I feel privileged to be here this morning, just two days before World Tuberculosis Day on March 24th. The Okuryangava Clinic is a crucial health site in our combined effort alongside the Namibian government to fight TB and HIV. Since 2015, with the support of the U.S. government through PEPFAR and USAID, some 350 patients have accessed TB treatment and referral services to HIV care, right here at this TB-Directly Observed Treatment center. Some of those patients are here today. Please join me in a round of applause to recognize their efforts and commitment to beating this disease.

Public and private sector stakeholders moved Namibia closer today to implementing a National Single Window, an online tool to ease cross-border trade that has been supported by technical assistance from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
The U.S. government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), will purchase eight (8) water tanker trucks and promote community and school sanitation valued at US$1.6 million (N$21 million). Additionally, USAID, with funding from the President’s Emergency Fund for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), is rolling out US$2.2 million (N$28 million) in drought assistance activities to help malnourished HIV patients, pregnant and lactating women, orphans, and vulnerable children in food-insecure districts in Namibia with a high HIV burden.

On 14 November 2016, U.S. Ambassador Thomas Daughton handed over sports equipment to the ‘Kutwano Organization of Sports for People with Disabilities’ in Katima Mulilo, Zambezi Region. The items which consist of sports clothing, javelins, shot-puts, discuses, batons, stop watches, special athletics chairs and office equipment to the value of approximately N$250,000, was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
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