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Соопштенија за меиумите

Language: English | Macedonian
Wednesday, March 15, 2017 - 12:15pm

March 15, 2017 - Today’s event at Hotel Alexander Palace in Skopje marks the achievements and joint efforts in the last five years of the USAID Interethnic Integration in Education Program (IIEP) in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science, educational institutions, municipalities, schools and partners. The objective of this program was to integrate children of various ethnic backgrounds through education and other activities. IIEP involved schools, teachers, children and parents, local leaders, and entire communities in developing interethnic relationships and building the foundation for a better future. In his remarks, Mr. James Stein, Mission Director of the USAID Macedonia, noted that “For many years, USAID has worked closely with the Government of Macedonia, municipal leaders, and other partners to improve access to a quality education for all of Macedonia’s learners. We have made great progress in this effort.

Одржан првиот форум за обновливи извори на енергија
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 - 11:00am

Во среда, 27 ноември, 2013 година, Проектот на УСАИД за инвестиции во обновливи извори на енергија, во соработка со Групацијата на производители на обновливи извори на енергија во рамките на Стопанска комора, и Балканската програма за обновливи извори на енергија на Меѓународната финансиска корпорација го организираа првиот од серијата на форуми на чинители и засегнати страни во областа на обновливи извори на енергија. 

Подобар систем за професионален развој на наставниците
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 - 10:30am


На 27 Ноември, 2013, УСАИД го промовираше Проектот за професионален и кариерен развој на наставниците  и ги презентираше наодите од студијата Анализа на политиките и праксата на професионалниот и кариерниот развој на наставниците во Република Македонија. Проектот ќе работи на  надградување на постојната законска регулатива, развивање на стандарди за наставници и инструменти за евалвација заради напредување во звања. Во спроведувањето на активностите на Проектот активно ќе се вклучат наставниците и другите заинтересирани субјекти. 

Повторно отворен Работниот клуб во Центарот за вработување на град Скопје
Tuesday, November 26, 2013 - 5:00am

Проектот на УСАИД „Младинска мрежа за стекнување вештини за вработување (Мрежа ЈЕС)“ денес го прослави повторното отворање на Работен клуб во Центарот за вработување на град Скопје. Ова е еден од седумте работни клубови коишто УСАИД ги реновира и опреми во општини ширум Македонија. УСАИД обезбеди нов мебел, компјутерска опрема, книги и други материјали во вредност од 5.000 УСД за секој работен клуб.

Thursday, June 20, 2013 - 12:00pm

Skopje - Today, in cooperation with the Municipality of Tetovo, USAID gathered business and NGO representatives as well as members of the public to present the activities and first results of the USAID Persons With Disabilities Internship and Employment Project.  The project aims to get companies and other stakeholders involved in future activities, and encourage wider employment of people with disabilities.

A farmer from Pchinja follows the discussion with the agriculture experts on climate change
Wednesday, June 5, 2013 - 5:00pm

Today, in Pcinja village near Kumanovo, the Climate Change Caravan organized by the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture (ACCA) project made its last of six stops in rural areas of the country.   The Caravan’s aim wasto educate small farmers and other citizens about the anticipated effects of climate change, share strategies for adapting to these effects, and emphasize the importance of proactive responses to them at the grassroots level. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 - 12:00pm

Skopje - Today, the USAID Interethnic Integration in Education Project, together with Nikola Karev Secondary School, Marshal Tito Primary School and the Municipality of Strumica, celebrated the completion of renovations at these schools. The process of refurbishment, financially supported by United States European Command (EUCOM) and USAID, created a better learning environment for interethnic integration in education.

Thursday, May 30, 2013 - 12:00pm

The Municipality of Bitola has established a Local Economic and Social Council (LESC), with support from the USAID Youth Employability Skills (YES) Network.  The LESC will serve as an advisory body to the municipality on issues such as employment of youth and the link between labor market needs as defined by employers and the skills developed by the youth of Macedonia during their formal education.

Friday, May 24, 2013 - 12:00pm

Today in Timjanik village, the Climate Change Caravan organized by the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture (ACCA) project made its fifth of six stops in rural areas of the country. So far the Caravan has organized four successful events in village of Novo Selo, village of Negorci, Bogdanci and Rosoman, where managed to reach rural communities and educate small farmers and other citizens about the anticipated effects of climate change, share strategies for adapting to these effects, and emphasize the importance of proactive responses to them at the grassroots level. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 - 12:00pm

Skopje - The USAID Interethnic Integration in Education Project, together with the Stiv Naumov Primary School and the Municipality of Bitola, celebrated the completion of renovations at the school. The process of refurbishment, financially supported by United States European Command (USEUCOM) and USAID, created a better learning environment for interethnic integration in education.

“Through this project, USAID is helping educators learn to better deal with diversity and multi-ethnic issues in the schools,” said Michael Stievater, USAID Democracy & Governance Office Director. “We’re also working with parents and other community members to promote tolerance, both inside the schools and in the larger community.” 

The USAID Interethnic Integration in Education Project is assisting ten more communities and schools to improve their school facilities, including accessibility for students with disabilities. The project is a four-year, $5.2 milion initiative that is co-financed by USAID and USEUCOM, which will work with all relevant educational stakeholders in support of the Government of Macedonia’s efforts for ethnic integration. The project will build awareness and provide diversity training, technical assistance, and incentives to school boards, principals, teachers, and administration officials. For more information please visit: www.pmio.mk 
