Better System for Teacher’s Professional Development

Better System for Teacher’s Professional Development
Better System for Teacher’s Professional Development

For Immediate Release

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Biljana Velickovska
+389 70367547


At November 27th .2013, USAID launched its Teacher Career and Professional Development Project and presented the findings of a comprehensive study, Policies and Practices: an Analysis of Teacher Career and Professional Development in Macedonia. The study recommends upgrading existing legislation and developing teacher standards and instruments for evaluation. USAID’s project will actively involve teachers and education stakeholders in the implementation process.

“When we reflect on our own education, we think of the great teachers who inspired us and made a difference in our lives.  The quality of a teacher is one of the most significant factors in a student’s achievement,” said U.S. Ambassador Paul Wohlers. “It is not an exaggeration to say that great teachers inspire greatness in their students, and in so doing, they generate a brighter future for the world.”

Over the last 11 years, USAID has invested more than $80 million in the professional development of Macedonia’s educators. USAID projects have provided professional training, improved facilities, developed digital resources, distributed teaching and learning materials, and helped educators learn how to integrate interethnic education into their classrooms.

The USAID Teacher Professional Career Development (TPCD) is a 30-month project implemented by the Macedonian Civic Education Center (MCEC) in partnership with the Bureau for Development of Education (BDE). The project activities consist of three inter-related areas: developing standards for teacher competencies; preparing a comprehensive legal system for professional and career development; and generating financial systems for the recommended TPCD models. In cooperation with key Macedonian educational institutions, the project will work to develop a system based on clear standards for quality teaching, accurate and transparent teacher assessment, focused professional development, continuous support for teachers, and recognition through promotion of qualified teachers. 


The American people, through USAID, have invested more than $500 million in Macedonia since 1993. USAID works with the people of Macedonia to create jobs, strengthen democratic institutions and practices, enhance integrated education, and prepare students for the workforce. These initiatives improve the quality of life and support Macedonia’s transition to a stable and prosperous democracy. USAID provides economic and humanitarian assistance in more than 100 countries. For more information please visit USAID Macedonia Website and USAID Macedonia Facebook page.