Flag of Liberia


November 5, 2016

The USAID Partnership for Advancing Community Based Services( PACS) Activity is designed to provide technical and operational support to the Government of Liberia’s Ministries of Health (MOH), Public Works (MPW), and Gender, Child and Social Protection, as well as civil society organizations (CSOs), to deliver high quality community health and social welfare services.

November 5, 2016

The USAID Collaborative Support for Health (CSH) Program supports the Government of Liberia’s objectives of strengthening management and governance of the health system to consistently and effectively deliver quality health and social welfare services. CSH supports the Ministry of Health (MOH) by providing embedded technical support at the national level and to County Health Teams in USAID priority counties of Bong, Lofa, and Nimba. CSH focuses on priority areas aligned with the Government of Liberia’s 10-year National Health and Social Welfare Policy and Plan, as well as the Investment Plan for Building a Resilient Health System in Liberia from 2015-2021.

November 5, 2016

The EQUAL Program aims to enhance learning outcomes for children by offering technical, resource, and capacity building support to district- and county-level education offices. The project expands on the previous work of Concern Worldwide and the Liberia Bible Translation and Literacy Organization (LIBTRALO) in Grand Bassa County. Community and school governance structures will be actively engaged in prioritizing the education of their children in a safe learning environment and increasing school attendance and retention rates.

November 5, 2016

Through the Education Crisis Response Program, USAID is partnering with UNICEF to ensure Liberian children return to school safely following a six-month hiatus as a result of the recent Ebola outbreak. The program will help the Ministry of Education enforce strict protocols in schools including daily temperature monitoring of children and teachers, hand washing requirements, and referral mechanisms with local health centers. The program will also support the Ministry of Education in protecting the education gains and investments that had been made prior to the crisis, and in preventing future disruptions in education.

November 4, 2016

The Community Health Workers for Advancing Liberian Livelihoods (CHW FOR ALL) activity is designed to strengthen  the capacity of the Ministry of Health (MOH) and other community stakeholders to oversee the scale-up of a high quality national Community Health Assistant (CHA) program that is informed by and held accountable to the remote communities it has been designed to serve. 
