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Environment and Global Climate Change

Environment & Climate Change in Lebanon
Together with USAID partner, the Association for Forest Development and Conservation, Lebanese youth contribute to the reforestation of the Forest of Peace in Kawkaba.

During the past 50 years, Lebanon’s forest cover declined by 17 percent.  Historically home to numerous native species and the largest pine forest in the Middle East, Lebanon loses approximately 1,500 to 2,000 hectares annually to wildfire and deforestation.  These forests provide economic opportunities for many Lebanese and support ecological stability in an ever-changing regional climate.  Natural springs and mountain water sources also play a key role in Lebanon’s environment and the protection of its forests. More than 2,000 springs, however, are threatened by rapid population growth, unplanned development, misuse and pollution.

USAID works with many Lebanese groups nationwide to promote Lebanon’s environmental diversity through conservation, awareness and reforestation. Our assistance includes: