Support to the Afghanistan Independent Bar Association (SAIBA)


Assistance to the Afghanistan Independent Bar Association (AIBA) promotes justice and rule of law in Afghanistan.  This project is designed to help AIBA establish regional offices in the Balkh, Herat, Nangarhar, and Kandahar in order reach to lawyers based in those provinces and surrounding regions.  In order to increase lawyers’ capacity to represent clients effectively, the project provides training on the right to a criminal defense and the attorney’s code of conduct.  The project also aims to strengthen AIBA’s central office in Kabul, in particular improving the capacity and transparency of AIBA’s accounting, finance, procurement and administrative personnel system.


  • Build capacity of AIBA members, including professional training for defense lawyers across the country
  • Assist AIBA to create an efficient system for registering new lawyers and renewing law licenses in Kabul and in the provinces
  • Support AIBA’s efforts to advocate on behalf of the rights of defense lawyers and their clients
  • Distribute pro bono cases in order to increase legal aid and access to justice for Afghans who are unable to pay for such services


  • Strengthened AIBA‘s internal management and administration systems
  • Established four regional sub-offices in Mazar, Herat, Nangarhar and Kandahar
  • Conducted legal awareness presentations for 300 law and Sharia students from Balkh, Herat and Nangarhar Universities
  • Helped develop and implement AIBA’s Human Resources Policy
  • Helped draft and implement AIBA’s Finance Policy and strategic plan
  • Helped draft and implement AIBA’s procurement policy
  • Trained AIBA staff on sound financial practices, including cash and accrual processes