Stability in Key Areas (SIKA)


The Stability in Key Areas (SIKA) program is comprised of four regional projects designed to promote good governance and service delivery in targeted districts, with the intended effects of reducing the impact of the insurgency, increasing confidence in the Afghan Government, and paving the way for a peaceful security transition.  SIKA delivers assistance in two ways: building the capacity of sub-national government structures and delivering community grants to for small scale, community and government-endorsed projects.  SIKA partners closely with the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD) and the Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG) to strengthen existing sub-national development and governance structures, including Community Development Councils (CDCs) and District Development Assemblies (DDAs).  SIKA supports both top-down and bottom-up linkages between the Afghan Government and local development and governance entities, helping identify sources of instability and address needs and grievances identified by targeted communities.  While SIKA is a stabilization program, its direct partnership with MRRD and IDLG, as well as its emphasis on promoting Afghan Government sub-national structures, makes it uniquely placed to help prepare SIKA-targeted districts for transition.


  • Ongoing training and capacity building for MRRD at provincial and district levels. Hundreds of CDCs and DDAs have received training and have identified local development priorities and sources of instability.
  • Will construct small infrastructure projects, as identified by communities in cooperation with the government.  These projects will include: culverts; erosion control; irrigation; potable water pumps and delivery systems; and repair and maintenance of schools, clinics, and other public buildings.
  • Currently providing gender-focused leadership training and capacity building.  Women are playing a key role in identifying sources of instability and community development priorities.
  • Facilitating ongoing community meetings with government officials to increase community engagement and strengthening links to the government.


  • Construction of community-identified infrastructure projects, which will improve quality of life and promote economic growth.
  • Empowerment of sub-national government to more effectively engage with and respond to the needs of communities.

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