Flag of Jordan

Transforming Lives

Areej Al Awaqleh at Al Mustamera Factory. March 3, 2016.

The Jordan Workforce Development Project, which runs from 2014-2019, is designed to increase private sector employment, especially for women, youth and those living at or below the poverty line. To date, the project has successfully placed more than 300 Jordanians in new jobs in the food production, clean energy and garment sector and launched eight public-private partnerships to create job placement and improve employee retention. 

Bir Mathkour, Jordan, cultural tourism, cultural heritage

March 2016—Mohammad Khalid Al-Sa’idiyyin, an experienced Jordanian trail guide who has worked informally in the tourism sector for years, is one of two site stewards at Bi’r Mathkour working to educate others about the community’s local relics.

Mafraq, Jordan, water conservation, MercyCorps, #HumanityActs

Household cultivation holds a place at the very heart of Jordanian customs and traditions. Visit your everyday Jordanian homestead and chances are you will come across the family olive tree, garden or orchard.

Bound by Loss

"Our dreams are very simple. To have a decent living that would allow us to be sufficient and not put out a hand to beg. We want people to look at us as humans, because we’re just like them."

Dreams on Hold

Assem Abdallah, 20, is much like the typical university student in the United States—bright, eager to learn. He was forced to flee his home in Idlib three years ago because of the conflict that has torn his country apart.
