In the spotlight: Ahmedabad – Gujarat, SEWA, English Helper UMC
Applies to goods and services purchased by the recipient under the award through a contract mechanism (including purchase orders). Does NOT apply to the grant/cooperative agreement or subgrant/cooperative agreement as a whole - ONLY to the procurement element under the award. USAID uses geographic codes to specify the authorized "source" of commodities and the "nationality" of suppliers financed with USAID funds. Each award should specify the authorized geographic code.
USAID's policy is that programs, projects, activities, public communications, or commodities implemented or delivered under assistance awards are generally "co-branded and co-marked."
There are two types of notices of funding opportunity (NOFO) available to USAID Agreement Officers: Requests for Applications (RFA) and Annual Program Statements (APS). The AO makes the determination of which NOFO to use based on the intent and characteristics of the result(s) USAID is seeking. The method selected will influence the number of applications received and the level of detail they provide.
An unsolicited concept paper/application is submitted to USAID for consideration of award by an organization solely on its initiative, without prior formal or informal solicitation by a USAID official. It is submitted in the hope USAID will issue an award with the applicant for development of the methods, approaches, or ideas it contains. Unsolicited applications are a valuable means by which USAID can obtain unique, innovative and proprietary programs that have originated outside USAID. Unsolicited applications are covered in Automated Directives System (ADS) Chapter 303.3.6.5(a)(2)(g).
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.