While reliance on oil and cocoa markets, public sector spending, debt financing, and power shortages have posed challenges to Ghana’s economic growth in recent years, USAID programs work to lessen the severity of struggling macroeconomic factors to enhance the competitiveness of firms across markets. Programs provide policy guidance improving the environment for international and domestic business. In addition, USAID is working with the Government of Ghana to strengthen management of the oil and gas sector.
Private Sector Development
USAID is improving the capacity of the private sector to access domestic, regional, and international markets and to integrate small farmers into the supply chain. Activities focus on improving access to markets through better information; meeting food safety regulations; increasing productivity through improved technologies and environmentally sound practices; improving the management capacity of firms; applying best practices in sustainable agricultural resource management; and strengthening business associations’ ability to provide better services to their members.
USAID programs are also improving the enabling environment for businesses by strengthening the macroeconomic policy reform environment, improving agricultural policy analysis, and facilitating dialogue on policy and regulatory reforms. USAID supports removing barriers for agricultural commodities to enter regional and international markets, and improving access to credit.
Access to Finance
USAID is providing technical assistance and training to financial institutions and private sector businesses to facilitate access to finance in the agriculture sector. USAID programs have benefited nearly 23 financial institutions to expand their portfolio in the agriculture sector, facilitating $15 million of financing to over 40 private sector businesses.
USAID focuses its efforts on providing advisory services in the oil, gas and power sectors. This technical assistance reinforces the capacity of the Government of Ghana to define and conduct institutional, regulatory and commercial strategies in the development of these sectors. USAID assistance helps the Government of Ghana to prepare for and make decisions that reflect international best practices, and trains Ghanaian officials, representatives of power utilities, and local businesses in the development of the country’s energy sectors.
USAID focuses its efforts on trade capacity building by working with the Government of Ghana to promote trade facilitation, remove technical barriers to trade, and encourage policies to promote regional trade and attract investment.
Our Trade and Investment Hubs are designed to reinforce regional and bilateral efforts to strengthen Africa's economic competitiveness and assist countries to take greater advantage of the trade opportunities provided by the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and other global trade initiatives. The Trade and Investment Hub programs include trade capacity building, improvements to the private sector enabling environment, better market access and opportunities, trade facilitation, food security programs, and export promotion support for African products.
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