Transparency and Accountability in Political Finance in Paraguay

The main goal of USAID/Paraguay's CDCS is to create "a more prosperous, well-governed democracy in Paraguay." This project aligns directly with the Mission's DRG strategy, which focuses primarily on improving the government's effectiveness by developing its institutional capacity and increasing accountability mechanisms, shifting the incentive structure and reducing opportunities for corruption. Once properly enforced, the Political Finance law will prove to be an effective mechanism to deter the prevailing corruption and patronage that currently undermine support for democracy in Paraguay. The current work under our DRG program with the Ministry of Finance and the Comptroller General will complement activities under the proposed project. The Mission is also currently working with the Electoral Tribunal in a project that seeks to facilitate the inclusion and participation of people of disabilities during elections, which will facilitate the start-up of the proposed project.

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Thursday, February 18, 2016 - 12:15pm