Thailand Country Profile

Thailand graduated from USAID assistance in 1995 and in 2003, USAID opened a regional mission in Bangkok that serves the Asia-Pacific. Drawing upon Thai expertise, USAID works on cross-border issues of concern to Thailand and the region.

The bulk of USAID activities in Thailand address transnational challenges through regional programs, including support to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, the Lower Mekong Initiative, and other regional forums. These efforts are leading to greater regional economic integration and cooperation on issues of mutual interest to the United States and Thailand.


While Thailand has become an upper middle-income country, it is not immune to regional and global development challenges that put lives and hard-earned economic growth at risk. Such challenges include human trafficking for forced sex work and labor, involvement as a transit and source country for illegal wildlife products, high prevalence of HIV and AIDS in specific populations, and global climate change.

USAID partners with Thailand to help address these and other transnational challenges.


USAID works to protect and empower vulnerable populations, such as those targeted for human trafficking, as well as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex communities which are especially vulnerable to violence, social stigma, and discrimination. We helped launch the Center for Civil Society and Nonprofit Management at Khon Kaen University — the first of its kind in Southeast Asia — to enhance skills of current and future civil society leaders and promote greater citizen engagement.


USAID’s regional health programs in Thailand and neighboring countries address HIV and AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis (TB), and avian influenza. USAID programs provide HIV prevention education, condoms, counseling and testing, and treatment and reach more than 16,000 at-risk people in Thailand each year. Other programs address TB and multidrug-resistant TB, especially among mobile and migrant populations. Through the President’s Malaria Initiative, our programs train health workers on malaria case management and provide diagnostic tools, treatment services, and insecticide-treated bed nets.


USAID leverages Thailand’s expertise to strengthen regional efforts on green growth, building resilience to climate change, and biodiversity conservation. Thailand is a member of the USAID-supported ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network, which trains law enforcement officials and increases public understanding of the negative impacts of illegal wildlife trafficking. USAID supports wildlife trafficking public awareness campaigns in Thailand’s airports and Skytrain stations to reach tourists and locals alike.

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Monday, November 23, 2015 - 11:30pm