Home » Final Evaluation of USAID/Kenya Conflict Mitigation Activities
Evaluation Purpose and Questions
The purpose of the evaluation is to determine the effectiveness of USAID–funded conflict mitigation activities and civil society strengthening projects in contributing to a peaceful Kenya. This information will help inform USAID/Kenya’s conflict mitigation and civil society strengthening efforts and influence programming moving forward, in the context of a drastically reduced conflict mitigation budget and ongoing plans to support devolution. It will also inform the wider donor community in Kenya.
The evaluation seeks to answer six questions:
- In what ways did USAID/Kenya conflict mitigation approaches contribute to peace during the 2013 general election?
- To what extent have these identified approaches addressed root causes of conflict?
- To what extent have attitudes and perceptions of individuals and communities changed toward peace and conflict in the targeted areas?
- What components are likely to continue to influence conflict mitigation after program closure?
- To what extent did USAID/Kenya strengthen civil society organizations’—especially local partners’—ability to implement and manage conflict mitigation programs?
- What key lessons and good practices can be identified for future USAID/Kenya conflict mitigation and civil society strengthening programming?
Project Background
In response to the violence that followed the 2007 Kenya general elections and in anticipation of the elections in 2013, USAID/Kenya’s Democracy, Rights and Governance Office (DRG) ramped up its conflict mitigation activities through support to six projects. These projects are 1) the Kenyan Civil Society Strengthening Program, 2) Kenya Tuna Uwezo (KTU), 3) Rift Valley Local Empowerment for Peace (LEAP II), 4) People to People Peace Project (3Ps), 5) Reporting for Peace, and Land- and Conflict-Sensitive Journalism in Kenya, and 6) Internews.
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Wednesday, December 2, 2015 - 10:00am
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