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Press Releases

Tuesday, January 24, 2017 - 12:30pm

Millions of smallholder farmers in South and Southeast Asia are attempting to diversify beyond staple crops to increase their incomes, nutrition, and resilience in response to climate change and shifting market demand. Although they are potentially significant producers of fresh vegetables and farmed fish, most smallholders lack access to technologies that would help them produce the quantities and quality needed to earn income sustainably.  To address this, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) rolled out its new Feed the Future Asia Regional Innovative Farmers Project at the Agriculture Innovation Summit in Dhaka today.  Implemented by Winrock International, the regional project will increase food security, reduce poverty, and improve environmental sustainability by facilitating agricultural innovation and technology diffusion in several countries in Asia including Bangladesh. 

growing herbal garden in a  remote district of Bangladesh
Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 10:30pm

Today, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Deputy Administrator Donald Steinberg and Bangladesh’s Minister of Environment and Forests Dr. Hasan Mahmud jointly announced the launch of the new USAID Climate-Resilient Ecosystems and Livelihoods (CREL) program. The U.S. Ambassador to Bangladesh, Dan Mozena, and USAID Bangladesh Mission Director, Richard Greene, also attended the launch.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013 - 1:00am

Dhaka – Today, over 100 political party leaders and civil society representatives convened at a national conference on public opinion research to learn how population-based surveys can be used to promote democracy and help leaders be more responsive to their citizens. Political researchers from the United States, Indonesia, and Bangladesh shared their experiences using this important research tool.

More than 500 government officials participated at the Local Governance Conference. Participantes from Bangladesh and ten other
Wednesday, March 20, 2013 - 1:00am

Today the Municipal Association of Bangladesh (MAB) and the Bangladesh Union Parishad Forum (BUPF) brought together more than 500 local government officials at the Bangabandhu International Conference Center in Dhaka for the 2013 International Conference on Local Government. Over two days, conference participants from Bangladesh and ten other countries will discuss key topics for their constituencies, including decentralization, public-private partnerships, climate change, disaster risk reduction, and gender equality. The US Agency for International Development (USAID), along with the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), provided technical and financial support for the conference.

Monday, February 11, 2013 - 1:30am

U.S. Ambassador Dan Mozena visited the Sustainable Rice Seed Production project funded by the U.S. Government’s premier development agency United States Agency for International Development (USAID) today, February 11. Currently Ambassador Mozena is travelling in Jessore-Khulna region. This USG funded Project currently operates in 20 southern districts covering all 124 Upazilas. The U.S. government through USAID/Bangladesh promotes new high-yielding and stress tolerant (Saline, draught, flood resistant) rice varieties to ensure food security under both normal and adverse climatic conditions such as flood, drought and salinity.

Thursday, January 17, 2013 - 1:30am

Today, the United States, through USAID, launched the newest phase of its largest investment in Bangladesh, the NGO Health Services Delivery Project. The four-year $55 million project will continue to provide basic health services through Smiling Sun clinics in underserved areas in Bangladesh.

Thursday, January 17, 2013 - 1:30am

The US Ambassador to Bangladesh Dan W. Mozena and the State Minister for Youth and Sports, Md. Ahad Ali Sarkar jointly inaugurated USAID’s Leadership Development Program (LDP) in the Edward M. Kennedy center today. This newly launched five year program will prepare approximately 24,000 community leaders and Bangladeshi youth in 16 districts to become advocates for alleviating poverty, creating jobs, and protecting the environment.
