U.S.-APEC Technical Assistance to Advance Regional Integration

In 2013, the U.S. Government launched the U.S.-Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Technical Assistance to Advance Regional Integration project to reinforce its belief that APEC is the premiere forum for advancing trade and investment policy in the Asia-Pacific region. The program will support U.S. and APEC policy objectives through technical assistance on economic integration and institutional management issues until 2018.

U.S.-APEC Technical Assistance to Advance Regional Integration
The project supports women’s economic empowerment. Above, a vendor at a market in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, discusses access to credit as part of a study of women’s economic participation in the country.


The project supports APEC’s cornerstone goal of promoting free and open trade and investment and strives to strengthen and deepen economic integration in the region. Activities help foster good regulatory practices, trade and investment in environmental goods and services, improved supply chain performance, the alignment of standards and codes, and progress in other policy areas that contribute to this goal.

IMPROVING BUSINESS INTEGRATION                                                   

APEC’s Ease of Doing Business Action Plan identified five priority areas for regulatory reform in APEC member economies: starting a business, getting credit, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and dealing with permits. The project also targets structural reforms in areas like competition policy, corporate governance, and economic and legal infrastructure.

SUPPORTING INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT                                            

The project also works to ensure that all persons within the APEC region are able to participate in global trade, and supports the five tenets of the APEC Growth Strategy: promoting balanced, inclusive, secure, sustainable and innovative growth. Examples of activities include technical assistance focused on reducing fossil fuels subsidies, promoting women entrepreneurs, advocating policies that improve food security and supporting the transition to a digital economy.


Finally, the project provides training to increase the capacity of the APEC Secretariat, as well as developing member economies that host APEC, to provide the logistical, policy and substantive leadership needed to advance APEC’s work.

IMPLEMENTING PARTNER                                                               

Nathan Associates Inc.

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