Defatted Soy Flour Commodity Fact Sheet

WBSCM Material Description and Number


General Information

Defatted soy flour is a processed product made from finely ground defatted soy meal and contains less than 1 percent oil. It is the base ingredient in soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate and textured soy protein, and contains 50 percent protein by weight. Soybeans are grown throughout the Midwestern United States and are planted in the spring or early summer and harvested in the fall. For more information on nutrition, processing, packaging and shelf life, refer to the Soyfoods Association of America ( Defatted soy flour is typically packaged in a 50-pound, multi-wall pasted valve bag (PVB) paper bag lined with polyethylene. It has a shelf life of at least one year up to 24 months. Adverse conditions such as high humidity and storage temperate do not greatly impact the shelf life. For full product specifications refer to the USDA Commodity Requirements Document for value added soy products.

Programming Guidance

Defatted soy flour is used as an ingredient to enrich other cereal products, such as corn, wheat and rice. It may be used by commercial process or in the field to enrich foods locally. It is currently an ingredient in soy-fortified cornmeal, corn soy blend (CSB) and wheat soy blend (WSB), which are used in emergency and development settings.

Nutrition/Preparation Information

Soy flour is a good source of plant-based protein that is highly digestible. It can be fortified with a variety of vitamins and minerals. It is used to fortify cereal products such as wheat, corn, and rice, and is used in corn soy blend (CSB) and wheat soy blend (WSB). Soy flour can be used in the same way as rice, wheat or corn flour to make breads, complementary foods for children, cereals, porridges, cookies, muffins, pastries, cakes, noodles, naan, soups and sauces, snacks, beverages and tortillas. For soybean and soy product recipes refer to the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health.

USDA Nutrient Database

Find more information below from the USDA Nutrient Database 28 or :

USDA Commodity Requirements Document

Shelf Life/Best if Used By Date (BUBD)

  • Shelf Life- 24 months after packaging
  • BUBD- not available


United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service. 2015. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 28. Nutrient Data Laboratory Home Page. Retrieved September 30, 2016 from:

United States Department of Agriculture, Farm Services Agency. 2007. USDA Commodity Requirements. VASP4 Value Added Soy Products for Use in Export Programs. Retrieved September 30, 2016 from:

U.S. Soybean Export Council. 2012. Buyer’s Guide.  U.S. Soy Export Council. Retrieved on September 30, 2016 from:

Soyfoods Association of America. Soy Flour. Retrieved on May 31, 2016 from:

Webb, P., B. Rogers, I. Rosenberg, N. Schlossman, C. Wanke, J. Bagriansky, K. Sadler, Q. Johnson, J. Tilahun, A. Reese Masterson, A. Narayan. 2011. Delivering Improved Nutrition: Recommendations for Changes to U.S. Food Aid Products and Programming. Retrieved September 30, 2016:

World Initiative for Soy in Human Health. 2012. Soy Recipe Booklet: Soy Foods Cooking Workshop Hosted by the National Soybean Research Laboratory. Retrieved on September 30, 2016 from: