December 2, 2015

to: All USAID/West Bank and Gaza Contractors, Grantees and Recipients.

Subject: OFAC Special license No. SDGT-2012-298681-3

Dear Implementing Partners:

Under USAID West Bank and Gaza Notices1, the Department of Treasury's issuance of OFAC Special License No. SDG-597/ 20 12-29868 1-1 (and its extensions) through November 30, 2015 were published. This license pennits specific engagement of U.S. persons, as contractors, grantees or sub-awardees of USAID, in transactions necessary for entering into and executing USAID West Bank and Gaza programs.

This Special License has been subsequently amended to extend its expiration through November 30, 2017, per the attached document. The conditions and limitations of the extended License remain unchanged.

Contractors and Grantees and sub-awardees are cautioned that they remain responsible for all transactions in which they engage and in complying with all applicable legal restrictions.

Should you have any questions or concerns please contact Ms. Reine Joubran.at tjoubran@usaid.gov.

1 Contractors and Grantees Notices: 2006-WBG-16, 2006-WBG-l9, 2006-WBG-25, 2006-WBG-30, 2007-WBG-O1, 2007-WBG-11, 2008-WBG-02, 2009-WBG-05 , 201O-WBG-03, 2011 -WBG-03, 2012-WBG-O1, 2013-WBG-
01 and 2014-WBG-Ol >

Thursday, December 17, 2015 - 7:15am