Kenya Pharma Fact Sheet |
Presidential Initiative:
U.S. Global Health Initiative
President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
Funding Level:
$550 million
July 2009 – September 2015
Activity Goals:
- Quantify existing stocks and consumption patterns and develop forecasting and quantification processes
- Strengthen collaboration between the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and the Kenyan government supply chains to improve forecasting accuracy and avoid stockouts and rationing
Activity Accomplishments:
- Supplies HIV commodities that reach more than 386,500 patients countrywide
- Procures HIV/AIDS commodities that reach 785 Antiretroviral Therapy sites
- Served 1,240,166 patients
Implementing Partner:
Chemonics International Inc, with funding to: DHL Kenya, Phillips Healthcare Pharmaceuticals Limited, and Vimta Labs
Key Partners:
Ministry of Health, the National AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Disease Control Program, and Kenya Medical Supplies Agency
Activity Locations:
The Kenya Pharma activity applies innovative approaches to increase the scale and efficiency of HIV/AIDS care, prevention, and treatment. It works in close collaboration with the Government of Kenya and the National AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Disease Control Program. Kenya Pharma provides an uninterrupted supply of high-quality, low-cost medical commodities to people living with HIV/AIDS through a drug procurement and distribution system.
Kenya Pharma empowers health care workers to provide first-rate care to patients through a reliable supply chain—from forecasting and quantification, to delivery to health clinics, hospitals and other service points. It ensures that the commodities procured are of high-quality and are stored in proper conditions.
Kenya Pharma:
- Quantifies the ARVs and OI drugs needed to meet USG country targets
- Procures the required pharmaceuticals and other commodities
- Ensures proper storage of PEPFAR commodities
- Distributes pharmaceuticals in a timely and efficient manner to ensure continuity in patient treatment
- Performs regular quality assurance reviews of the commodities procured through recognized quality control laboratories
- Maintains records on stocks for monitoring and evaluation of the project
- Ensures sustainability of the project by working closing with national institutions to transfer capacity and best practices in pharmaceutical supply chain management
Some of the health facilities supplied by Kenya Pharma project find it difficult to accurately quantify the quantities of the commodities they need. Consequently, they either order less or more commodities than they need. For this reason Kenya Pharma’s field staff is always on the look out to identify service delivery points that require advice on the quantities of drugs that they need to order.
Some common ‘red flags’ that the field staff watch out for include facilities that frequently make emergency orders, constantly borrow drugs from nearby facilities, or have inconsistencies between the patient numbers they report vis-à-vis the drug quantities they order.
Kenya Pharma encourages service delivery points to use real-time data for decision making. It also encourages facilities to interrogate their data before sending it to Kenya Pharma. This has resulted in significant behavior change where a number of service delivery points now meet to review their data before submitting it. At the National level, National AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Disease Control Program, with support from Kenya Pharma, is now also keen on using facility data from selected sentinel sites for forecasting and quantification instead of continuing with the model of drawing assumptions that sometimes do not hold.
USAID Contact:
James Batuka, Activity Manager
Tel: 254 0721-360138
Kenya Pharma Contact:
Steve Hawkins
Kenya Pharma Project Director
Chemonics International, Inc.
Tel: +254 (20) 3748402/06
Updated August 2014
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