Launch of SHARE portal

Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Launch of the new Southern Africa HIV and AIDS Regional Exchange portal
On August 12, 2015, the SHARE portal managed by the USAID-funded Building Local Capacity for Delivery of HIV Services in Southern Africa Project (BLC) was launched in Pretoria, South Africa. SHARE is a unique hub connecting people to resources, peers, organizations, and free collaboration and learning tools. Developed using open source technology, SHARE focuses on online communities and is capable of providing an unlimited number of users with access to free tools and indexed repositories of information and resources. Its responsive design enables users to access all SHARE features via desktop, tablet, and other mobile devices. Share facilitates knowledge exchange to help improve the response to HIV and AIDS in southern Africa and beyond.
SHARE's audience is highly diverse, including local and international non-government organizations, academic institutions, advocacy groups, government departments, faith-based organizations, health service providers, traditional leaders, journalists, researchers, program managers and clinicians.
The new SHARE portal offers easy and responsive access to online:
Repositories of vetted as well as user-contributed resources, categorized by theme, country, and type of material
Community spaces in the form of public and private groups that facilitate announcements, event calendars, file sharing, and online discussions
Directories of SHARE members and organizations
Subscription to areas of interest for email alerts and newsletters
Profiles and publish forms to connect and share information and more…
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