Rajabmo Nazarova is one of many female farmers in the Khatlon province of southern Tajikistan who face difficulties feeding her large family. Although agriculture is the main industry in the region, undernutrition remains very high in Khatlon. In particular, children under 5 years old and women of reproductive age are most vulnerable to undernourishment. One in three children are stunted.
May 2017—Davlatoy Beknazarova and her family live in a small village in Tajikistan’s Khatlon province, where her sewing skills are setting her on the path to success as a businesswoman. After attending a brief training course on how women can become entrepreneurs, she put her talents to work for her.

Two main canals provide irrigation water for 21 villages in Dahana subdistrict, a rural municipality in Kulob in southern Tajikistan. For years, farmers could not reliably access water from the canal, and the government water authority lacked capacity and resources to improve the system.

July 2014—Access to finance can open up a world of opportunity for rural farmers. As part of Feed the Future, the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative, USAID's Productive Agriculture Project works to strengthen Tajikistan’s agricultural sector to benefit small farm owners, their families and their communities.
Как только солнце садится в сельской местности Таджикистана, фермеры отправляются в главное здание города на собрание ассоциации водопользователей. Все оборачиваются, как только их лидер, председатель Мамлакат Абдукахорова призывает всех к порядку. В этом патриархальном обществе фермеры ждут наказов Мамлакат Абдукахоровой. Она успешно руководит ассоциацией водопользователей Хаваскор -1 с момента его образования в марте 2012 года и является одной из немногих женщин, которые руководят ассоциациями водопользователей в Таджикистане.
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