Paved Road to Lead Way to Development

Buses and trucks had a difficult time driving on the rough road between Ghazni in Ghazni Province and Sharan in Paktika Province
Buses and trucks had a difficult time driving on the rough road between Ghazni in Ghazni Province and Sharan in Paktika Province in southeastern Afghanistan
Route is Expected to Enhance Region’s Economy and Security
BEFORE: Buses and trucks had a difficult time driving on the rough road between Ghazni in Ghazni Province and Sharan in Paktika Province in southeastern Afghanistan.

AFTER: The newly reconstructed 64 kilometer (40 mile) Ghazni-to-Sharan road has decreased travel time between the two communities from four hours to one.

Travel over the old 64 kilometer (approximately 40 mile) Ghazni-to-Sharan road in southeastern Afghanistan was slow, dangerous and unreliable. The new road now serves as an economic corridor for better access between the key cities of Ghazni in Ghazni Province and Sharan in Paktika Province. It allows expedient transportation of farm products to market, enhances economic development, and promotes social interaction along the road route. The new road also has decreased the travel time from four hours to one, which will allow faster response from the Afghanistan National Police and the Coalition Forces to security situations. The project employed over 700 Afghan construction and security workers, who completed the road both ahead of schedule and within budget.

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