Transforming Lives

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

As the Islamic holy month of Ramadan approaches, Khadija Abdallah Aboh prepares to observe the holiday with her family in Zam Zam Camp in North Darfur, Sudan. Aboh first moved to the camp over 12 years ago, fleeing violence in her village elsewhere in Darfur. While she intended to stay in the camp temporarily, ongoing violence and insecurity have prevented her return for more than a decade.

Momodu Fanndi Bukar had been attending the sada’a in his northeast Nigeria community of Nganzai for as long as he can remember—more than 50 years. A sada’a is a village-wide, town hall-type meeting where friends, family and neighbors gather for Islamic prayer and discourse on the issues of the day.

In Maguindanao and North Cotabato, two provinces in the Philippines’ southern Mindanao region, pervasive instability due to violent extremism, poverty and underdevelopment prevents many children from obtaining a basic education.

In just eight days, volunteer offers feasible, effective solutions to local dairy farmers.

Poslednjih godina je nekoliko lokalnih samouprava na Kosovu poboljšalo usluge koje pružaju svojim građanima u okviru napora uloženih za postizanje efikasnih opštinskih uprava. Međutim, uprkos poboljšanim uslugama civilne registracije, opštine Vučitrn, Peč i Štrpce su se borile da izađu na kraj sa povećanim zahtevima za izdavanjem uverenja i izvoda iz matičnih knjiga kao što su rodni listovi, venčani listovi i uverenja o prebivalištu. 


Prill 2017— Viteve të fundit, disa qeveri lokale në Kosovë kanë përmirësuar shërbimet për qytetarët e tyre si pjesë e përpjekjeve për arritje të një qeverisjeje komunale më efikase. Megjithatë, përkundër përmirësimit të shërbimeve të gjendjes civile, komunat e Vushtrrisë, Pejës dhe Shtërpcës ballafaqoheshin me vështirësi si pasojë e rritjes së kërkesave për çertifikata të gjendjes civile, si ato të lindjes, gjendjes martesore dhe vendbanimit. 


These issues were not just affecting Ford Vietnam, but were increasing costs for thousands of businesses across the country. The situation was borne out by the World Bank’s 2016 Doing Business indicators, which ranked Vietnam 108 out of 190 countries in its performance on the indicator “trading across borders.”

Non-transparent public procurement awards are common in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). More than 75 percent of all public procurements were conducted behind closed doors, through direct negotiations, in 2015. This year, however, one company that fought the corrupt process finally won damages from a local government.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), violence against women and girls is widespread and underreported—an all-too-common dirty little secret. The issue does not get the attention and time it deserves, and neither do the perpetrators. But a nationwide campaign—that included petitions, billboards and a special postage stamp—recently stirred unprecedented civil society and political will to better prevent and properly punish such acts.
