United States Supports Breakthroughs in Pakistan’s Agricultural Sector

USAID Mission Director John Groarke, Federal Minister Sikander Hayat Bosan, and CIMMYT Director General Dr. Martin Kropff
USAID Mission Director John Groarke, Federal Minister Sikander Hayat Bosan, and CIMMYT Director General Dr. Martin Kropff inaugurate the two-day, USAID-funded Agricultural Technology Conference in Islamabad.

For Immediate Release

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Islamabad, August 24, 2015 – USAID Mission Director John Groarke commended new breakthroughs in Pakistan’s agricultural sector today at USAID’s Agricultural Technology Conference at the Serena Hotel.  Joined by the Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research, Sikander Hayat Bosan, Groarke met with more than 200 Pakistani farmers, scientists, and agricultural leaders who highlighted new agricultural technologies made possible by USAID’s Agricultural Innovation Program (AIP).

“Halfway through this four-year program, we are already seeing remarkable results,” Groarke said.  “This demonstrates that with the United States and Pakistan working together, we can achieve agricultural growth and prosperity in Pakistan’s agricultural sector and beyond.”

Launched in 2013, AIP is an initiative by USAID, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), and the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council.  Heat-resistant maize, higher-yielding wheat crops, livestock vaccines, and less water-dependent rice harvesting techniques are among the leading innovations stemming from the four-year, $30 million initiative.  Over the next two years, AIP will continue its farmer-focused innovations by helping Pakistani farmers increase their profits while addressing emerging resource challenges caused by climate change.

Since 2012, USAID’s economic growth program has created over 23,000 new jobs and introduced new technologies and management practices to more than 118,000 farmers across 60,000 hectares.