Mira Sunar poses with her new bicycle.

“When I come to visit the village, women say ‘Mira is coming, she must have something new for us,’” says Mira Sunar, a female community health worker, describing her relationship with the villagers of Ramnagar, Nepal. “I feel proud and empowered by my popularity and recognition in the village.”

Man Maya Lama, the beneficiary of USAID agricultural training, tends to her fields.

Man Maya Lama and her husband own a small tea shop in Manikapur village in Nepal's mid-western Banke district, but they struggle to earn enough to feed their two children. When USAID's Flood Recovery Program started its income-generation activities in their district, Lama jumped at the opportunity to get involved. She desperately wanted to improve her family's finances, and the only solution apparent to her was optimizing the use of the family-owned land. The acreage was small but that wasn't the main problem; her agricultural skills and knowledge were rudimentary and obsolete.

USAID assists private Iraqi agribusinesses in improving their productivity by working with the entire chain of production, processing, and marketing. Throughout this chain, farmers are introduced to the latest technologies in agribusiness, including soil and water management.

USAID is working with the Iraqi Ministry of Health through primary health care clinics to improve the quality and delivery of services, improve management systems in the clinics by advancing quality standards and operational guidelines, strengthen the capacities of health administrators and health professionals, and establish community partnerships that can collect feedback to determine the types of health services that individual communities need.

With USAID support, UNDP repair of control water pumps in Ramadi will provide much-needed water to more than 200,000 residents.
With USAID support, UNDP repair of control water pumps in Ramadi will provide much-needed water to more than 200,000 residents.

USAID supports stabilization efforts In Iraq following Da’Esh liberation.

Baghdad Provincial Council members review the draft Citizen Participation Law to be submitted to the Council.
Baghdad Provincial Council members review the draft Citizen Participation Law to be submitted to the Council.

USAID is working to strengthen good governance in Iraq.

More than 760,000 farmers across India, Africa and Asia applied improved technologies and management practices.

Under Feed the Future, the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative, India is a strategic partner country that focuses on developing, scaling, and transferring Indian agriculture innovations to benefit focus countries in Africa. 

SAID is collaborating with the Government of India to help the country transition to a high-

USAID directly supports the clean energy and sustainable landscapes (forestry) priority sectors under India’s National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC). In the energy sector, USAID emphasizes low-carbon development strategies, climate-proofing development, and national planning and capacity building. Activities in India focus on reducing carbon emissions by promoting renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and cleaner fossil fuel technologies. Identifying and scaling up innovations that support low-carbon economic development while meeting India’s growing energy demands are a key focus of USAID/India’s clean energy program.

USAID partners with the Government of India, the private sector and civil society to strengthen the impact, reach, affordability and quality of health services for poor and vulnerable households. These efforts build upon decades of USAID’s work in India supporting effective health care.  

A democratic political culture requires a vibrant civil society sector and an independent media to ensure that citizens are well informed about the actions and performance of government institutions and officials, and that citizens have the means to freely influence public policies. USAID works with its Missions, implementing partners, other international organizations and host governments to design targeted activities that effectively support local, grass-roots civil-society organization and independent media.


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