Strategic Support to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

This USAID program strengthens good governance by promoting ongoing development and stabilization efforts in national-level offices of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA).  The program responds to strategic needs for stable governance, strengthening the institutions at the center of government by making them more streamlined, transparent, and effective in their support to the Office of the President.  USAID assists with facilities upgrades, information technology, improving administrative work processes, training, policy development, and human resources.  The program began in 2003 and is implemented by the Asia Foundation (TAF).
  • Building the capacity of the Office of Administrative Affairs.
  • Strengthening the capacity of the Office of the Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs.
  • Supporting the Independent Directorate for Local Governance.
  • Improving public administration at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Establishing the Government Media and Information Center (GMIC).
  • Supporting human resources needs within the Office of the President.
  • Establishing a Surge Capacity Fund to respond to strategic and emergency needs of the GIRoA.
  • Establishing an Afghanistan/Pakistan Exchange Program to foster cross-border collaboration.
  • Supported the establishment of Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG), which promotes government services and accountability at the sub-national level.
  • Established and outfitted the Afghan Government Media and Information Center.  Organizational restructuring and hiring for the center is ongoing.
  • Launched the High Office of Oversight (HOO) in partnership with UNDP and UNODC.  The HOO develops and implements the GIRoA’s anti-corruption strategy and related initiatives to increase stability and sustainable development.
  • Published four annual national survey books and companion volumes on public opinions.  These resources are now used as a reference for policy formulation by the government and the international community. 
  • Provided logistical and policy support for the Constitutional Loya Jirga (2004).
  • Supported free, fair, and safe 2004-2005 elections through services including voter registration and polling site demarcation, delivery of polling station materials, and security and elections management training to the Joint Electoral Management Body (JEMB) and the Independent Elections Commission (IEC).
  • Held three Afghanistan-Pakistan Peace Jirgas for nearly 700 participants from both countries.  The events included conflict mediation/mitigation training for key stakeholders of communities along the international border.
  • Provided organizational development, technical assistance, training, IT support, and master plan for facilities to the Office of the President and Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 2007 to present.
  • Renovated and equipped the President Chief of Staff’s Office and Office of Administrative Affairs.
  • Developed a code of conduct for the branches of government, which was submitted to the President for approval.