Pressures on the Planet: Food Security in an Increasingly Complex Ecosystem


Frontiers in Development - June 12, 2012

Moderator: Frank Sesno, Director of the School of Media and Public Affairs at The George Washington University; Creator and Host, Planet Forward
Judith Rodin, President of the Rockefeller Foundation
Chris Policinski, President and CEO of Land O’Lakes
Calestous Juma, Professor at Harvard University
James Boomgard, President and CEO of DAI

After examining the major trends on the horizon, this panel will delve more deeply into the specific challenge of increasing food production while sustaining ecosystem function, addressing linkages between markets, food access and food availability from a developing country perspective.  The role of innovation and markets in addressing challenges of climate change, population, and energy in meeting the food gap will be highlighted, as well as the impacts on small-holder African farmers. What role does analysis of ecosystem function currently play in efforts to increase agricultural productivity?  What role does water and natural resource management play?  Have policies or practices to this end shifted as a result of climate change?  What is the role for sustainable Intensification?

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