Monica Makes It!

USAID Macedonia is celebrating International Women's day throughout the month by taking a closer look at some of the women who have benefited from our projects and who, as a result, are making a difference in their families, their schools, and their communities.

Unemployment in Macedonia is a persistent drain on its economy and a challenge to families struggling to make a living within it. Like many of her peers, Monica, a twenty-one year old from Kumanovo, has skills and is eager to work. Unlike most other job seekers however, Monica's mild intellectual disability made it especially hard for her to find a job. Thanks to a USAID program helping persons with disabilities access suitable employment, Monica found a full-time job in a shoe factory near her home. With a regular income, Monica no longer feels like a drain on others for their support. Now, not only is she able to support herself (and her whole family), she has become a very happy contributor to the local economy!


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