Beyond the Usual Suspects

Frontiers in Development: June 13, 2012

Moderator: Liz Schrayer, Founding Executive Director of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition
Barbara Bush, CEO and Co-founder of Global Health Corps
Mandy Moore, Actress; Philanthropist
Kay Warren, Co-founder of Saddleback Church
The Honorable Jim Kolbe, Former Arizona Congressman

More than ever before, what happens in developing countries around the world affects America, either in terms of job creation and economic expansion, security and stability, strengthening democracy and building effective partners, fighting disease, or strengthening our role as a global leader.   As the implications of these global challenges have become more evident, new constituencies have emerged as partners that care about development.  This panel will explore how we reach new constituencies, what is driving their interest and how we can engage them as effective partners.   

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