Administrator Shah Highlights Reforms; Aid Effectiveness at OECD Development Session

For Immediate Release

Friday, May 27, 2011
USAID Press Office

PARIS, France - Yesterday, Administrator Shah joined Secretary Clinton for the second day of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Meeting of the Council at Ministerial Level in Paris, France. At the session "New Paradigm for Development", chaired by Secretary Clinton, Administrator Shah provided brief remarks.

He opened by extending congratulations to the OECD on its new framework and for launching a new paradigm for development. Administrator Shah noted that the United States has been actively elevating global development - based on the idea that with a coordinated approach issues like hunger and food security, infectious diseases, and other threats to humanity and global security can be addressed.

Administrator Shah then highlighted three reform areas:

  1. The writing of big checks to partners: These type of financial transfers fail to implement development well. He noted that local capacity strengthening and financial accountability should be a main theme of the Aid Effectiveness Summit in Busan later this year.
  2. Leveraging the role of science & technology: Mobile payments and banking systems take high-impact development further, and the development community should focus more attention on this intervention.
  3. Elevating the role of the private sector: As part of the U.S. Government's Feed the Future initiative, the private sector is a key partner to get to a larger scale at a lower cost. Administrator Shah added that the policy environment is being changed as well.

Administrator Shah concluded with a few observations about OECD's work in development. He recognized that for decades, OECD has set the terms for the global debate. To fully implement the new paradigm, Administrator Shah asked the OECD to adapt its reporting and measurement systems to better capture tax revenue and collection; to renew its focus on gender, food security and agriculture; to strengthen its ability to engage the private sector; and to enhance science and technology. Administrator Shah summarized that if OECD and the Development Assistance Committee can better measure these areas, all the stakeholders are convinced this will lead to more effective and transparent implementation.