Bringing Communities Together in Vushtrri/ Vučitrn

Tuesday, June 6, 2017
USAID AKT-LS team at a meeting in Vushtrri with municipality officials and civil society activists
Advancing Kosovo Together - Local Solutions

On May 23rd, USAID/Kosovo Democracy and Governance Acting Director Miranda Jolicoeur joined the Advancing Kosovo Together – Local Solution team for project site visits in the municipality of Vushtrri/Vučitrn.  She first met with municipal representatives and the Civil Society Organization ProPlanning to discuss a recently-completed project to develop a municipal branding platform.  The project’s main goal was to develop promotional material to communicate the municipality’s identity, values, culture and characteristics of its resident population.  As part of USAID supporter community based projects, Ms. Jolicoeur then visited the construction of a sidewalk and streetlights in the village of Prilluzhe where she had the opportunity to meet with the municipal representatives who were engaged during the implementation of this project.  Finally, Ms. Jolicoeur met with the head of the Municipal Office for Communities and Return (MOCR) to discuss AKT engagements with that office and the unique challenges that this Kosovo-Serb community is facing.