Fact Sheets

The current El Niño event is one of the strongest in recorded history. Droughts, floods, and other extreme weather exacerbated by El Niño are driving families from their homes, hurting people’s ability to earn an income, triggering food shortages, and threatening health and nutrition.

The Jordan Census Project (J-CenP) provides training and technical assistance to the Government of Jordan’s Department of Statistics (DOS) to develop its capacity to prepare for, execute, and disseminate data from the 2015 Census of Population and Housing.

The Princess Rahma Pediatric Hospital Expansion Project (RHE) aims to rehabilitate and expand the hospital to respond to critical needs resulting from the influx of Syrian refugees and increased demand for health services in the northern governorates.

HSS II Bridge continues the strong partnership between USAID and the Ministry of Health (MOH), the Royal Medical Services (RMS) and the Higher Population Council (HPC) in strengthening health systems in order to improve access, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care service delivery in Jordan.

The U.S. Agency for International Development sponsored “Nurture” (USAID Nurture) project focuses on improving the nutritional status of women and children to reduce child stunting in targeted areas of Laos. This three-year project works to improve community and household nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene practices.

Government of Sierra Leone and partners launch response to two new confirmed Ebola virus disease (EVD) cases in Sierra Leone. World Health Organization (WHO) declares end to EVD outbreak in Guinea. Liberia commemorates end to most recent EVD outbreak; response actors transition to surveillance activities.

The United States Agency for International Development is providing support to victims of conflict in Afghanistan through the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Assistance in Mine Action, under the Afghan Civilian Assistance Program III. The program aims to mitigate the impact of conflict, mines, and other explosive remnants of war on civilians, enabling them to cope and rebuild their lives in the aftermath of trauma. Assistance is provided through seven regional offices established across the country, and it is coordinated closely with government institutions, such as the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and the Disabled; the Afghanistan Protection Cluster, as well as civil society and non-governmental organizations and local communities.

In August 2006, USAID launched the Jordan School Construction and Rehabilitation Project (JSP). The project’s primary mandate was to reduce overcrowding in public schools, replace rented and double-shifted schools and provide a safe and more suitable school environment that responds to the needs of the MOE’s reform efforts.

The main goal of RAMP is to support the efforts of USAID Jordan and the MOE in instituting reading and mathematics teaching and learning methodologies, policy and practices within schools, communities and government entities that focus on improving learning outcomes for reading in Arabic and math in grades K‐3 for all public schools in Jordan.

The Learning Environment: Improved Infrastructure Program (LEIIP) is a $35 million project that aims to improve student well‐being and school achievement through improving the physical infrastructure of the learning environment. LEIIP will be implemented by USAID and its key partner Arabtech Jardaneh Engineers and Architects (Arabtech) in full collaboration and partnership with the Ministry of Education (MOE). The construction and renovation will be implemented through host country contracts with the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH).
