Fact Sheets

The Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (French acronym: CILSS) was created in response to a devastating drought in the Sahel in 1973. It has 13 official member states, but is currently partnering more closely with ECOWAS, expanding its member base to 17 countries in the region.

AgirPF increases demand for and access to quality voluntary family planning in urban and peri-urban areas in 10 cities. The program aims to reach more than 700,000 additional users during the life of the project.

USAID’s commitment to Nepal has stood the test of time. In the aftermath of the devastating April 25 earthquakes that shook Nepal, our commitment remains stronger than ever. On June 25, 2015, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced $130 million to support Nepal’s earthquake relief and recovery needs. This contribution builds upon USAID’s investments on disaster preparedness, and is only the beginning of our contribution to Nepal’s earthquake recovery, which will span multiple years.

Government of Guinea (GoG) confirms three new cases for week of October 12. GoG plans to bolster Ebola surveillance and case management in Forécariah following recent cases. Liberia transitions to expanded oral swabbing and approves rapid diagnostic tests.

The Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Public Works project, a component of the USAID Road Sector Sustainability Program, assisted the Afghan government to sustainably manage the country’s road network using three new institutions – a semi-autonomous Road Authority to manage road maintenance and development, a semi-autonomous Road Fund to provide sustainable financing, and a Transportation Institute to train and to build the capacity of Afghan professionals to plan, analyze, and manage the road sector.

The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Afghanistan Public Financial Management (APFM) project supports Ministry of Finance (MoF) efforts to achieve fiscal sustainability by providing advisory services and training support to generate revenues and to improve planning, execution, and monitoring of the national budget. The project also works with the Ministries of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, Public Health, Education, and Rural Rehabilitation and Development to build their budgeting capacity in order to improve execution of the development budget. The project also will assist the Afghanistan Revenue Department in the collection of non-tax revenue from the Civil Aviation Authority, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Commerce and Industries and the Ministry of Public Works.

Promote is a partnership between the Government of Afghanistan and the United States Agency for International Development to secure the gains made by Afghan women in the past decade while providing a new generation of Afghan women with the leadership skills to make vital contributions to Afghanistan’s development in governance, civil society, and the economy. As the economic and business component of Promote, the Women in the Economy (WIE) activity is key to achieving the objectives of Afghanistan’s Transformation Decade by empowering educated Afghan women from across the country to gain the skills, voices, and resources to contribute to economic growth, to reduce poverty levels, and to influence workplace policies in response to the needs of women in the economy.

Post-earthquake recovery activities continue. WFP utilizes trekking infrastructure to deliver aid. Number of earthquake-affected people requiring immediate food assistance declines. Government delays impede release of reconstruction funds.

After the 2015 earthquakes, the Government of Nepal and partners estimate that nearly 8,000 public and private schools were destroyed or damaged beyond use. Through a $10.6 million, three-year grant to UNICEF, USAID supports the Ministry of Education to resume education in 14 of the most-affected districts. In this collaborative effort, USAID and UNICEF provided targeted support during the critical emergency period and into the stages of early recovery and continues to provide a strong response to children’s education needs while permanent schools remain under construction.

The Early Grade Reading Program (EGRP) is a five-year, $53.8 million project to support the Ministry of Education to improve the foundational reading skills of Nepali primary school students in grades one through three. The project will directly support the National Early Grade Reading Program (NEGRP), which aims to help children to read with fluency and comprehension. NEGRP is led by the Ministry of Education with support from USAID and other donors under the Ministry’s School Sector Development Plan.
