The Feed the Future Asia Innovative Farmers project, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development Regional Development Mission for Asia, introduces technologies into new markets with potential to support millions of smallholder farmers to boost their incomes while improving their food security and avoiding the need to migrate.
Three new Ebola virus disease (EVD) cases confirmed in Guinea; more than 1,000 contacts identified. World Health Organization (WHO) declares end to Sierra Leone's most recent EVD cluster. Government of Liberia (GoL) launches electronic platform for Liberian health workers to track and report public health threats.
پروژه حمایت از اصلاحات مؤثر برای حسبابدهی به شهروندان (AERCA) ادارۀ انکشاف بینالمللی امریکا از تعهد حکومت افغانستان برای مبارزه با فساد اداری حمایت میکند.
USAID’s Advancing Efforts for Reform and Civic Accountability activity’s Anti-Corruption Component supports the Afghan government’s commitment to preventing corruption by strengthening Afghan Civil Society Organizations’ (CSO) ability to oversee and support government officials in implementing reforms that will help combat and curb corruption.
The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Engineering Quality Assurance and Logistical Support program provides technical and logistical services and quality assurance standards to USAID’s Infrastructure projects in the energy, transportation, and construction sectors, making sure they follow established International guidelines.
The Kabul Urban Water Supply (KUWS) Project, implemented by the German Development Bank (KfW) at the request of the Afghan Government, is building the backbone water infrastructure to provide 50 percent of Kabul’s population with pipe-based drinking water and access to basic sanitation systems.
Suaahara is a five-year, comprehensive, community-focused project dedicated to improving the health and nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of two. The project focuses on improving nutrition and health standards of women and children by focusing on better maternal, newborn, and child health services. It aims to improve reproductive health/family planning services; create awareness regarding sanitation and hygiene; improve access to clean water; and introduce home-based gardening as a way to encourage a balanced and healthy diet.
USAID supports schools that are safe spaces, free of all forms of gender-based violence, where girls and boys are able to equitably learn and become empowered to protect themselves and counter harmful social norms and practices.
USAID’s five-year, $9.9 million Nepal Hydropower Development Project (NHDP), supports the Government of Nepal's efforts to expand the country’s access to modern, high-quality hydropower services and realize its potential as an energy exporter in South Asia. Working in collaboration with the Investment Board of Nepal (IBN), the NEA, and the Ministry of Energy (MOE), the project will help Nepal facilitate and encourage private sector investment in hydropower in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner.
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