Fact Sheets

Since February 2014, USAID/Colombia’s Strengthening Civil Society to Engage in Political Processes Program (CSEPP), implemented by Mision de Observación Electoral (Spanish acronym, MOE), works to strengthen citizen engagement, observation, advocacy and transparency in the electoral processes at the national and regional levels.

Программа жигердүү жана туруктуу демократия маданиятын өнүктүрүү үчүн Борбордук Азиядагы беш өлкөдө жарандык коом үчүн укуктук чөйрөнү өркүндөтүүнү колдойт.

Empowering Girls Through Education and Health (ASPIRE) is a four-year US$ 18.2 million USAID activity aimed at increasing the educational attainment of girls in primary and secondary schools in Balaka, Machinga and Zomba districts in Malawi, reaching 182,000 girls.

ASPIRE Key Outputs

Output 1: Reading skills for girls in upper primary school improved.
Output 2: Adoption of positive sexual and health-care seeking behaviors among youth ages 10-19 increased.
Output 3: Key structural and cultural barriers for girls ages 10-19 decreased.

The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) is an armed group that has committed human rights atrocities against communities in Central Africa for almost 30 years. Joseph Kony formed the LRA in 1986 as a Ugandan political rebellion, but the group soon began to carry out massacres, sexual-based violence, mutilations, pillage, and abductions. Kony also gained notoriety for his use of child soldiers and slaves.

After several years of civil conflict and instability, the Central African Republic (CAR) remains one of the least developed countries in the world. The security situation in CAR has been volatile since December 2012, when the Séléka armed group first entered the capital city of Bangui. Since that time, armed groups—many organized along religious and ethnic lines—have attacked civilians and pillaged natural resources across the country. At the height of the conflict, over one-quarter of the country’s population was displaced.

Долбоордун башкы максаты – Кыргыз Республикасынын жаштары үчүн эмгек рыногунда керек болгон жогорку билимди алуу мүмкүнчүлүгүн акыйкат жана жеткиликтүү болушун камсыз кылуу.

“I'm convinced that a world in which women and girls are treated as equal to men and boys, is safer, more stable, and more prosperous. – President Barack Obama in a statement commemorating International Women’s Day, March 8, 2015

“For the first time, the youth are being considered in all development initiatives taking place in this area…we have developed a good relationship with our Local Councilor and our representatives in Parliament and are able to meet them regularly to follow up on issues that matter to us.” – Isaac Benson Scale, Youth and Civic Education, on USAID’s Civic and Voter Education Project

El Niño occurs when the Pacific Ocean warms and disrupts weather around the globe. In Malawi, where the rains were delayed in places by up to two months, the ongoing El Niño has resulted in a severe drought, and led to failed crops for many subsistence farmers. Due to its poverty levels, increasing population, and advanced environmental degradation, Malawi is especially vulnerable to climatic shocks and hard-won development gains are fragile in the face of climatic shocks such as those caused by El Niño.

Malawi has one of the lowest GDPs in the world and 37.1% of Malawian children are stunted from malnutrition. USAID believes that by integrating nutrition in value chains (INVC), it can help Malawi’s small businesses develop more effectively while also promoting nutrition throughout the country.


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