United States Pledges $16 Million in Additional Humanitarian Assistance for the People of South Sudan

For Immediate Release

Friday, April 24, 2015
USAID Press Office
Telephone: +1.202.712.4320 | Email: USAIDPressOfficers@usaid.gov | Twitter: @USAIDPress

The United States announced the commitment of more than $16 million in new humanitarian assistance for nutrition, shelter, water and health services for people suffering from the ongoing effects of the conflict that began in South Sudan in December 2013.

This assistance underscores the United States' long-standing commitment to the people of South Sudan.  With this additional pledge, U.S. emergency assistance for South Sudan now exceeds $1 billion since the start of the crisis in December 2013. Since South Sudan's independence in 2011, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has invested an additional $700 million in long-term assistance helping the South Sudanese people in areas such as education, health, democracy and governance, agriculture and conflict mitigation.

Nearly 3 million people currently face extreme hunger in South Sudan, according to the USAID-funded Famine Early Warning Systems Network, and this number will reach 3.5 million by June 2015. The new funding will address urgent nutrition needs for children and provide vital health care to those suffering from acute hunger as a result of the conflict.  It will also provide much-needed shelter and health services, and water, sanitation and hygiene assistance.

In addition to the new assistance, the U.S. Government directly helps South Sudanese people withstand the catastrophic effects of conflict and build foundations for a peaceful future through long-term assistance in health, education, agriculture, livelihoods and other critical areas.

International assistance can alleviate suffering but will not resolve the crisis. For the sake of the people of South Sudan, we urge South Sudan's leaders to make the compromises needed to reach peace.