Transforming Lives

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

Every few seconds, the narrow wooden floor creaks as a group of giggling children flows through the corridors of Carnaval Play & Learn, an after-school and summer program in the city of Zarqa, located to the northeast of the capital city Amman. Each laugh and slam of the door is music to Eman Awamleh’s ears, a mother who founded this one-of-a-kind center in Jordan.

When Taulant Rexhepi’s family in Kosovo bought a newly privatized radiator company in 2012, their primary goal was to reduce the need for imports into the fledgling country and possibly meet the growing domestic demand for biomass stoves. Three years later, their company, Enrad, had already surpassed their domestic expectations, so they set their sights abroad.

eoarece Republica Moldova este cea mai săracă țară din Europa, cetățenii moldoveni se confruntă cu multe probleme atunci când își caută un loc de muncă decent acasă. Din cauza acestei situații și a altor probleme economice și sociale, mii de moldoveni sunt forțați să se mute în orașe mai mari sau să plece la muncă în străinătate, pentru a-și sprijini familiile și pentru a le oferi oportunități mai bune copiilor lor.

Janvier 2017: Elles étaient à peu près trente jeunes filles et mères de famille, dont quelques-unes avaient un bébé dans les bras. Toutes étaient en train d’écouter attentivement les explications que donnait l’éducateur de santé communautaire à propos des différentes méthodes de planning familial offertes au centre de santé.

Ces femmes étaient là parce qu’elles voulaient prendre leur destinée en main. Et l’opportunité leur était donnée de le faire dans ce centre de santé tout neuf, mis en place par une jeune femme malagasy exceptionnelle.

Fish farmer turned entrepreneur, Gibran Huzaifah, 26, strives every day to transform the aquaculture sector with the power of technology. Huzaifah developed a “smart” fish feeder that can detect when fish are hungry and automatically dispenses feed accordingly. Feed represents approximately 80 percent of fish production costs, and Huzaifah says his fish feeder can reduce feed usage by up to 20 percent.

Thanks to an intervention by the USAID-supported partner, the Albanian Disability Rights Foundation (ADRF), Veko writes, produces and broadcasts the interviews and life stories of Albanians, gives her listeners the daily news, catches their interest and imagination with features, announcements, and reviews of events. This is a very special lady who happens to be blind – a childhood accident. 

January 2017—My Bach, a biotechnology undergraduate student in Hanoi, is passionate about pursuing a career in science, but concerned about the low number of female colleagues in the field in Southeast Asia.

Two years ago, our company struggled with many challenges. It took us at least one week to prepare tax documents, we had to wait many days for our imports to be cleared, and this added high labor costs to our business,” said Vu Kim Giang, an import and export specialist at Garment 10 Corp.

Whether waiting in a frantic emergency room after an accident, or at a routine medical check-up, patients everywhere look for relief, understanding and timely assistance from their doctors. Serbia is no different. However, its health care system suffers from underfunding, poor management and a high public perception of corruption.
