Justice System Strengthening Program

Strengthening the judiciary - roundtable discussion
Strengthening the judiciary - roundtable discussion
Justice Systems Strengthening Program


USAID’s Justice System Strengthening Program (JSSP) is a four-year rule of law program that builds upon USAID’s prior efforts to advance the rule of law in Kosovo and ensure that the justice system operates in a professional, efficient, and accountable manner. The program focuses on promoting a judicial system that adheres to high standards of independence, impartiality, integrity, accountability, and transparency, and on supporting the functioning and integration of judicial structures in the North.

Strengthen efficiency and effectiveness in the administration of justice and delivery of quality services

The Justice System Strengthening Program assists the Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC) and Kosovo’s courts in consolidating gains in efficiency and management at the court level by facilitating the decentralization of administrative competencies and institutionalizing systems and tools for effective court and case management. Activities under this objective will reduce case backlog and procedural obstacles to court efficiency and effectiveness.

Enhance accountability and professionalism of the justice system

The Justice System Strengthening program works closely with the KJC, judges, and court staff in building capacity to deliver justice professionally and efficiently.  It also promotes continuing education and public integrity initiatives as the foundation for a judiciary that is accessible, credible, and effective.

Support the functioning and the integration of judicial structures in the North

USAID supports the KJC and the courts in activating judicial structures in Northern Kosovo based on the Justice Sector Agreement, which provides for the integration of institutions, court operations, and judicial resources in the North.  Additionally through this activity USAID assists in functionalizing individual courts in the region through case inventories and transfers, backlog reduction, case management, and capacity-building for judges and court staff.



Project Duration: Nov. 2015 – October 2019

Contact: Miranda Jolicoeur

Partner: Millenium DPI Partners, LLC

Geographic Target: Kosovo