Toolkit for Integrating GBV Prevention & Response: Section I

The Toolkit is structured in five parts (sections) designed to distill technical content, guidance, and practical information on GBV prevention and response in economic growth projects.

PART 1: Toolkit purpose, audience, and structure. This section describes why a toolkit on GBV for economic growth is needed. It outlines USAID Washington and Mission staff, as well as implementing partners, as Toolkit audiences, and suggests how they can use the Toolkit. USAID staff and partners may use technical content of the Toolkit to support the design, implementation, and M&E of projects across diverse economic growth subsectors. Staff and partners can also use the guidance in conjunction with available USAID technical resources on gender integration and GBV prevention and response not specific to the economic growth sectors.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - 2:45pm