USAID/Mali Results Framework Paper 2015-2019

In the spirit of Aid effectiveness and the premise that development built on collaboration is more likely to engender local leadership and ownership, and turn good ideas into lasting results, USAID/Mali hereby invites review and comment on its Results Framework Paper (RF Paper). The RF Paper will inform USAID/Mali’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy for 2015-2019. In the coming months, USAID/Mali will consult with the host government, donors, key stakeholders including civil society and the private sector on this strategic framework. Any comments regarding USAID/Mali’s RF Paper can be sent to until December 31, 2014. Please limit comments to no more than half a page. Thank you!!

Please note the following disclaimers:

  • The draft has been provided for informational purposes only and at any time is subject to change; 
  • The reader bears full responsibility for any actions taken based on information contained in the draft;
  • USAID will not be providing any documents referenced in this draft;
  • The act of sharing the draft or any information contained therein does not constitute a legal obligation or binding agreement or create or serve as the bases for an obligation of funds by the U.S. government or USAID;
  • Any feedback or comments received by USAID may or may not be considered in further development of the strategy; and
  • This is not a forum for submitting unsolicited proposals; rather this is a call for comments on the RF paper in order to inform development of the Strategy.
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Thursday, November 6, 2014 - 3:30am