Kenya Youth Employment and Skills Program (K-YES)

The majority of Kenya’s population is under the age of 17 and struggling to find meaningful jobs. The youth employment challenge presents a clear set of opportunities as the vast youth bulge moves into its productive working years. The Kenya Youth Workforce Development Program (KWYP) will give motivated but disenfranchised youth the skills and support they need to compete and succeed in the workplace. Skills and vocational training that are designed in coordination with local industry and the private sector will create pathways to employment and turn the youth bulge into a demographic dividend.

KWYP’s overarching goal is to foster a partnership between young people and the private sector to design and develop vocational training for increased economic competitiveness and better jobs. KYWP will provide  young Kenyans with access to youth-friendly services (e.g., information, capacity building, and finance), allowing them to make informed and empowered decisions about education and business investments. KYWP focuses on building local relationships and capacity to increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of education and employment outcomes.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 - 12:15am