USAID/DRC Country Development Cooperation Strategy for 2015 - 2019

USAID, and the U.S. Government writ large, recognize that transformational change in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) will require long-term investment and focus. USAID’s 20-year vision is of a country where the Congolese take charge of their future to manage and sustain growth with their own human, natural, and financial resources. There are currently key opportunities to accelerate achieving this vision. USAID will capitalize upon these opportunities, while working towards the vision, through the five-year goal of a long-term transition to more effective and empowering development in the DRC supported. In order to achieve this, USAID will support three Objectives under this Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS):

Development Objective (DO) 1: Selected national level institutions more effectively implement their mandates.

Development Objective (DO) 2: Lives improved through coordinated development approaches in select regions.

Transition Objective (TO) 3: Foundation for durable peace strengthened in eastern DRC.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 12:15pm